
Ordinals – порядковые

Goals In this lesson we’ll cover ordinals – Russian equivalents of first, second, third, etc. They’re essential for talking about time and dates, but in this video we’ll focus on the forms. 1 Introduction 2 Practice


Goals In this lesson we’ll cover the basic forms from двести (200) through девятьсот (900), with some tips on how to remember three possible parts of these compounds. 1 Introduction 2 Examples “Лет через двести-триста все само образуется, ― утешал Чехов, и люди теснились к нему толпой. Александр Кушнер. Почему они не любили Чехова? // …

Hundreds Read More »

Basic Forms of один

Goals In this lesson we’ll cover how the basic forms of один change (including a plural form!), together with a few notes on usage. 1 Introduction 2 Practice If that last answer surprised you… кофе has traditionally been something of an exception: despite the ending in -е, it’s been officially considered a masculine noun: свежий, …

Basic Forms of один Read More »

Adjectives after два/две, три, четыре

Goals In this lesson you’ll learn how to say “two smart cats,” “three old windows,” and “four nice dogs.” Sounds basic, but the adjective endings you’ll need here may surprise you… 1 Introduction 2 Practice

Nouns after пять – двадцать

Goals In this lesson we’ll cover how to use nouns after the basic forms of numbers 5-20, 25-30, 35-40, and so on. 1 Introduction 2 Practice You may want to review the genitive plural forms of nouns (group 1, group 2, group 3, group 4) together with this exercise.